
We’re proud of our excellent track record in development, which has seen us create over 1.5 million sq ft of developments, with a value approaching £600 million over the past 12 years.

Inevitably, this extensive experience means we’re experts at what we do. Whether appraising development potential, negotiating planning consents or project-managing construction, Palmhurst’s handling of all aspects of the development process delivers outstanding results.

We appraise literally hundreds of sites a year to establish their development potential and investment value, relying on our own staff and our pool of retained ’ intimate knowledge of the planning regimes and market conditions that dictate a site’s value or a scheme’s viability.

Having secured the sites that offer the best prospects, our staff and our consultants devote their expertise to delivering the most valuable planning consents possible, working hard to ensure that these involve the highest standards of design and that every opportunity for innovation and originality is explored and exploited.

Copyright: Palmhurst Group, 600 High Road, Woodford Green, Essex IG8 0PS | t:020 8281 1010 | e: email us | Site by Redboat Design

Copyright: Palmhurst Group, 600 High Road, Woodford Green, Essex IG8 0PS | t:020 8281 1010 | e: email us | Site by Redboat Design